This mobile outdoor bench with wheel gives you the freedom to relax wherever in your garden or backyard. It’s called the Wheelbench created by the company called ‘Weltevree’. This garden bench is a combination of and ordinary wooden bench and a wheelbarrow. These garden benches are made from the sturdy, long-lasting materials such as oak or accoya wood. Surprisingly, you can move this bench without anyone help.
Wooden Garden Bench With Wheel:

So this wheel bench is perfect for elderly people who living alone their country life. It have comfortable seat for several people in your family. Unlike other garden benches, it’s completely movable and you can transport the bench single handed. So you can find the best place to sit and enjoy the nature and then easily move the bench to your favorite spot. Changing the location will provides you a new thoughts, peace of mind and even creates a good conversation between you and your partner which will improve your relationship.

The OAK wood have the great sustainability. So this bench can lasts up to 15 to 25 years. And the acetylation enabled Accoya wood can lasts up to almost 50 years. The wooden boards of this wheelbench was completely processed by hands. It’s giant rubber tire provides a smooth ride while you change the location. The slight tilted angle of the backrest provides more comfort. The smooth and narrow handles provides perfect grip and allows you to easily steer the bench to a new spot. Check the wheel bench on!